Physical Therapy Versus Fibromyalgia

     Fibromyalgia is a condition, often in the long term, that causes pain all over the body. A person suffering from this debilitating condition will experience increased sensitivity to pain, extreme tiredness, muscular stiffness, difficulty in sleeping and associated problems with memory and concentration. This condition is far-reaching and greatly reduces the quality of life for the afflicted. There is no known cure except for the management of the symptoms and this is where physical therapy comes in. 

How Approach To Treatment

      As there really is no cure for fibromyalgia, only the symptoms can be managed. Chronic pain, which is a condition that lasts for more than 3 months, is a major symptom of fibromyalgia. It is characterized by localized pain on lower and upper body parts and on the sides of the body. Fibromyalgia can be mild in the best of conditions to the pain that can be debilitating and will prevent you from doing any day to day activities. Medication, such as painkillers and antidepressants are the go-to for managing the pain caused by this condition. Therapies come second, such as counseling and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). Lastly lifestyle changes, such as exercise programmes and relaxation techniques.

Physical Therapy in the Fight Against Fibromyalgia

     The first step would be to find reputable services that offer physical therapy for this condition. Look no further than for this because these are the professionals that are at the forefront in managing the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Although there are things that you can do yourselves at home, there is just a lot at stake for you to forego professional medical help. Physical therapy helps a person gain control of how to deal with fibromyalgia itself by introducing lifestyle changes. These changes may be as simple as how to attain proper posture, which leads to efficient muscle function just by itself. This will actually result in avoiding undue fatigue and pain.

Physical Therapy Versus Fibromyalgia

The use of stretching exercises also helps in this regard by improving muscular flexibility. Relaxation exercises will also alleviate muscle tension and thus reduce the pain associated with it. This is why it is very important for the treatment to be conducted by licensed physical therapists. These professionals would have a background in anatomy and kinesiology or the study of movement. For fibromyalgia sufferers, they can develop specific and custom stretching and strengthening programs to manage pain from the condition. PT can help reduce stiffness and fatigue, by the application of heat and ice packs, deep tissue massages and a wide range of a variety of techniques and resources for the management of the symptoms.

In Conclusion

     The benefits of having a physical therapist work with a fibromyalgia patient closely is that the treatment will be customized as it is recognized that some techniques may not work well for everyone. Some patients may respond well to hydrotherapy as others may not. Some will actually prefer stretching and other muscular therapy habits, with the physical therapists right there to help you gauge if the program is working as well as it should be for you specifically.